Mariano Arouxet


Some of my works and projects in data science and signal processing

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About me

My name is Mariano and I am a Sound Engineer. I am professor of Acoustics at the University of Tres de Febrero (Argentina). I am into digital signal processing and data sciece.

In this site, you will find some projects in both fields, mostly developed on Python, MATLAB. There are also some projects in Arduino and Android Studio.


Data Science, Visualization and Machine Learning

COVID-19 Vacunas en Argentina Dashboard en PowerBI sobre el estado de vacunación en Argentina a partir de datos oficiales

Traffic Sign Identification Using Deep Learning Training and testing a Convolutional Neural Network using Keras Tensorflow

Random Forest Project with Random over-sampling Training and testing a Random Forest Model and balancing unbalance dataset

Visualization of argentinian Air Routes Data ELT and Plotting using python, pandas, seaborn, plotly, geopandas

Artificial Intelligence

Question Answering Bot - V 1.0 Version 1.0 of a bot to answering questions based on a corpus of text

Crossword puzzle generated by AI An auto-generated crossword puzzle

Minesweeper game using proposicional logic IA Algorithm thats plays Minesweeper by itself

Tic-Tac-Toe using Minimax algorithm IA Algorithm thats plays Tic-Tac-Toe with you

Degree of separation between two actors.
IA Algorithm that looks into IMDB database and finds how many “degrees of separation” apart two actors are using a breadth-first-search

Signal Processing

Medición de vibraciones usando Python y acelerómetro mems MPU 6050. Measuring vibrations with Python and MPU 6050 MEMS acelerometer

Simulación de ondas planas estacionarias en Python. Simulation of stationary plane waves in python

Measuring Sound Scattering Coefficient according ISO 17497-1 on MATLAB.